GARY C-222

Reality type: Meat-based

Species: Non-vertebrate

Known aliases: Krusty the K*nt

Replicant type: Object of humiliation

Best before: 18/06/2033

Known associates: Pennywise, the lobster boy

Interests: Failing to entertain, crying

GPT linguistic simulation:

After the public shame and ridicule of his tenure, Gary suffered a fate worse than death… 

He became a meme.

“Oh my god, aren’t you that sad looking clown guy from Twitter?!” Words such as these greeted him at every supermarket; date; job interview; therapy session.

It became impossible for others to associate with him for risk of being linked to the pariah that he had become. He lost everything.

One rainy night in his inner city studio apartment, as he wiped the tears off his last can of Spam, Gary could finally take it no more. He unleashed every ounce of the pain he had felt since junior high on his furniture; beginning with the IKEA kitchen suite, and culminating with him caving in the wall of the lounge with the fire extinguisher.

He dropped the fire extinguisher to his feet; his rage overwhelmed by curiosity towards the flash of colour beneath the fractured drywall; a glimmer of hope in the sea of chaos that surrounded him. He fished out the treasure and dusted it off. It was a clown suit.

He saw how it fit his skeletal body perfectly, as he examined his new look in the sharded mirror, recognising instantly that it was a sign. He felt every iota of the shiver that rippled down his spine; a shiver a man only feels in the presence of destiny. He felt clearer than ever on what he had to do; what he would become.

He would no longer be plagued by the meme. He would own the meme. It was time to become the clown.